You might want to consider getting your hoverboard a protective case for added durability. Instead of the original hard case, these protective cases are made of rubber.
Extra protection
The hard casing of the hoverboards, albeit strong, is prone to get scratched or dented if you fall or hit the board against rough surfaces. A protective case like this Green + Black one is perfect for your 6.5 inch hoverboard. Since it is rubber, it will absorb shocks better and keeps the original casing scratch-free. By using this 6.5 inch hoverboard skin cover, you can be certain your hoverboard will last longer.
Great for the fickle-minded
If you are having a tough time making a choice from the available colours of hoverboards, then these protective cases could be your saviour. When you're confused about what colour hoverboard to pick, you can simultaneously get two, by picking say, a Blue Galaxy colour hoverboard and getting this Green+Black protective case. You'll love the variety that is offered in skin cover designs, just as much as in hoverboard prints.
Protective rubber cases for 6.5 inch Hoverboards are strong yet bend. With this Green+Black one, you can easily feed your fickle-mindedness. Rest assured, the skin cover protects your hoverboard as well as adds that aesthetic appeal.